Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Douche the right thing

It's only too funny. I have a Miniature Schnauzer, he's a great little dog with the heart of a wolf, at least in his mind. We call him our "alarm dog" because while he is great at making a lot of noise and acting vicious, when the danger actually gets close enough to do damage, his mantra is "Do what you want with the humans, but leave me alone!"

Anyway, ever since we got him he has bad problems with his ears getting infected. His ear canals are very small and very full of hair, which leads to said infections. Usually when they start to get serious, he starts thumping at his ears with his hind legs. He always seems to find the hollowest parts of the floor to do it, and usually it's very close to my son's room, and almost always while my son is asleep.

Well, he didn't seem to be going after his ears any more than normal, and when we had him groomed, the groomer said he had a yeast infection in his ears. Ick. I cleaned them out, and just tons of brown blech came out. I felt horrible. But the groomer said the way to take care of the infection was to 1. Clean his ears with the liquid that comes in douches for women, and 2. Treat with Monistat 7 guessed it...7 days. I learned far more about "female problems" than I ever intended. Mrs. Dave was quite concerned that people might think she's some kind of filthy ho with all the female stuff we bought for the dog. It's no wonder "douche" has become such a funny word. Say it again and again...douche, douche, douche. Little Douche coup...I'm laughing at the mere mention right now!

But we are 4 or 5 days into it now, and I must say, it has worked splendidly. It may seem silly, but it's actually good advice if your dog has a problem with ear infections. Like Ripley said...believe it, or not...


Oh, I'm still working on my Thomas and mini-train photos, I've just been busy working on my resume and shiz.



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