The Environmental Terrorist
Ack! The boy is destroying my environment! Not that he hasn't been his own mini hurricane in the past, but lately he is just into EVERYTHING. These paint supplies certainly need to be knocked over, those folded clothes definitely don't need to stay in the basket. Hey, that looks like I could reach it...I only need the one on the bottom of the pile...I'd really love to play with the sand from the sandbox inside...I'll park my tricycle right here behind where Mommy/Daddy are standing, oops, did I run over your toes for the 5th time...say, it's kinda quiet, I should whine or just outright cry about something...Oooh, Mommy and Daddy are putting together some shelves for my room, cool! I think I'll stand on one and see if they're fun to jump off, I wonder if that other shelf would be a good place to land...hey, no one's looking BJ(our dog), let's go downstairs and hide or go outside, in the rain...I'm bored, let me jump in the way at every oppotunity...
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Oh, we knew we would go through this, but it is unnerving some days!!! We were just trying to get his room finished and he would NOT get out of the way. He was in few time outs, but they only had a temporary effect. We can't get too upset with him, though. He was in trouble for not listening mainly. We just didn't want him hurt when we were moving big things around and couldn't necessarily see him all the time. He just wanted attention and we were just so busy just trying to get everything done in his room (touching up the paint, putting new decorations up, installing his new shelves, etc).
He just kept lingering around the paint cans and we know he is prone to "accidents" when he's around something he's interested in. We could just see the cans getting tipped over because he "tripped". But, we are probably 98% done, finally. Everything is painted (all 6 paints), his new decorations are hung, and we got these cabinets from IKEA that worked out really well. They just hang on the wall and we, well, I'll have to take photos to explain, but it's pretty cool, and little boy seems to like it a lot. He called the open cabinets his "Hot Dog Stand". Cool thing was that we hung the cabinets above the outlets, so even though the shelves take up a lot of space, he still has most of the floor to play on. So, it's cool, and hopefully life will return to some sense of normal soon. The house was a complete wreck while we were working on the room, not helped by our little Environmental Terrorist ;-), who we love very much.
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