The second most confusing dog there is
Only Bryn's dog, Wrigley (love that name) is a bigger medical mystery. But fortunately he seems to be doing better.
This is truly getting weird. Last week, for sure, our dog was diabetic. He had all the classic symptoms and test results. So we start treating him as such. We have to go out and collect is urine twice a day (my day's highlight) and test it with these little strips that change colors. We've been following the vet's instructions carefully with the insulin injections. We started with 8 cc-s twice a day. Then when his tests hadn't really changed much, the vet said to give him x amount of insulin for this reading, y insulin for another reading, no insulin for the low end of the test. We haven't given him any insulin for a few days now and he's practically back to normal, getting into the garbage and such (the SimpleHuman can works great by the way, I'm talking about the upstairs bathroom cans now). It's perplexing. Maybe he just hates the needles so much, he convinced himself he didn't really need to be diabetic, sorry! I'mahappypuppy, I'mahappypuppy!
Oy! I wish all these experiments with disease would stop! It's frickin' expensive as hell!
Collecting dog that's dedication!
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