Monday, April 24, 2006

And Curses Again!

I went out to my car to get a CD I'd left in it. On the curb was what looked like maybe a broken branch of a tree with a leaf on it or something. It was a little breezy and for whatever reason, I noticed that it wasn't moving when the wind blew, at least not as much as you'd expect. I looked a little closer to see why it was stuck, and then I realized that it wasn't a leafy twig at all, it was a gorgeous butterfly. I've never seen this kind of butterfly before, probably because it's camouflage is so good. It's wings were green and were attached to it's body by reddish brown stems that looked very much like branches.

I don't know if it was just emerging from its cocoon or not, but the body was fuzzy and white with red legs, though I couldn't really see anything that looked like a head from my angle. It's wings had "tails" for lack of a better word, like a kite, in flight they would dangle down below the wing. But it was resting on the side of the curb, and the tails stuck straight out behind it. If I can figure out how to get the photos off of my phone, I'll post what I can. That's the reason for the "Again" part of this post.

I didn't have my digital camera with me today, so the phone was all I had. Complicating matters was the fact that it was sunny and I couldn't see worth a damn what I was shooting with the phone. I feel like I'm telling a parallel story to "I once caught a fish this big!" When I got inside, I saw the pictures are Ok, but don't really show what a beautiful creature this thing was.



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