Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Zup folks?

Just a note to say that work has been kickin' me in the proverbial ass lately, so not much time to play with the blog. I have a couple of new blurs that are neat. Who'da thought a radio display had so much visual creative potential?

But the news on my niece hasn't changed a lot. Although, one thing to share with you to give you an idea of just what kind of asshole we're dealing with, we got a report from the social worker listing many incidents of suspected abuse. Along with the cold water treatment (and spanking if she tried to get away) which the girlfriend admitted to, there was also an incident where her dad "put her to bed for a nap" and according to him she *****GRRRRRRRRRRRR***** JUST WOKE UP WITH TWO BLACK EYES!!!!! How the #$@^&% does a three year old get two black eyes during a nap without the parent noticing????

Oh, then there was the incident where she clearly had bruises on her face from where someone had grabbed her face, sort of with her chin in the valley between the thumb and index finger. In that case, again, according to him, THE DOG NIPPED HER. He clearly has no idea how far her face would have had to be in the dog's mouth for that to happen. I would think there would also be some tooth marks. If I had a dog that did something like that to my daughter, the dog would be gone the next day.

But it's all lies anyway. The girlfriend's son also said that one of the reasons they beat her was because she told lies and was bad all the time. Again, how does a three-year-old lie beyond saying they didn't do something they actually did? And no wonder she was bad so much, she was HUNGRY (another frequent punishment was being put to bed without dinner, but the weight loss was because she and the girlfriend are "out running around all the time), BEING TERRORIZED and BEATEN, I can't imagine why she was having problems.

Pathetic. This guy needs to be put in general population and then a loud announcement needs to be made at lunch about what he's in prison for...

Good news is that her speech continues to improve and she's put on more weight since last time I posted. And, my goodness, she still has your standard 3 year old tantrums, but the out-of-control rages and biting have stopped since she was taken away from those dolts.



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