Stump the Doc, II
I had another appointment with the doctor Monday. She got the results of my spine X-ray, and everything there was perfectly normal. So, I have to go see a neurologist to see if s/he can figure it out. But my primary doctor says it isn't an orthopedic problem from what she can tell. I'm just hoping it isn't some weird psychosematic thing where there's no earthly reason for this to be happening except my brain isn't telling the muscle to work.
So strange. I looked up some cool anatomy illustration graphics of the arm, and with my admittedly small amount of medical knowledge, think that the problem is with the Long Bed Biceps Bronchii. It was interesting seeing how it's put together. From what I can tell, it seems to start at one point in the shoulder, then about halfway down the arm, it kind of splits in two, then wraps around the forarm side of the elbow. The two branches, if you will, are called the long bed (the outer side) and the short bed (closer to your body). My short bed seems to be Ok, in fact it seems to be trying to pick up the slack best it can, it has grown a bit. But the long bed is on vacation right now.
So stay tuned, I'll holla when I see the next contestant on Stump the Doc!