Thursday, January 13, 2005


that are undeniable, a continuing series:

• News stories about health as it pertains to healthy eating/weight loss will always, always show a long clip of a bunch of fat asses from the neck to the knee. Don't they have something else to show? I am among said fat asses, ok, not like the ones they show on these clips, but please, I'm just tired of looking at them.

• News stories about breast implants will always feature a clinical setting with an anonymous latex-gloved hand fondling an implant on a tray.

• My dog will plot for hours and hours to knock over a trash can. He makes sure the coast is clear, then makes his move. Forgetting that we are only upstairs, we hear CRRRAAAASHHHHHH! He's in heaven for 2 seconds, before he gets a swat on the butt, but apparently it's worth it, because he does it every single time he has the chance!

• Stories on the news about any drug, for whatever reason will feature a shot of a pharmacist (I assume) shuffling around pills (which may or may not be the pills the story is about) on that little tray to put it in the bottle. Booooooorrrring!

What are yours?


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Mary said...

News reports about smoking will always feature a close-up of someone with a really bad complexion smoking. Granted, I think it is icky too, but I don't want to see that!! Yuck!

I also hate gross commercials about toe fungus, plaque, and crooked teeth!


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